For many parents, it’s a common question to ask why their child should see a chiropractor especially if they are not suffering from any pain, injury, or condition. While the majority of children do not experience obvious symptoms, read below how your child may benefit from a chiropractic evaluation.
From the time that a baby takes its first breath, newborns are subjected to misalignments in the spine during the normal birth process, known as subluxations. Even smooth uncomplicated births can be physically traumatic especially as the baby’s head passes through the birth canal. Additionally, births needing forceps or vacuum devices can place even more force onto the delicate spine and the developing nervous system. These subluxations, if prolonged, can cause nerve irritation and may further lead to the following childhood conditions starting from one month to years after a baby’s birth.
From the time that a baby takes its first breath, newborns are subjected to misalignments in the spine during the normal birth process, known as subluxations. Even smooth uncomplicated births can be physically traumatic especially as the baby’s head passes through the birth canal. Additionally, births needing forceps or vacuum devices can place even more force onto the delicate spine and the developing nervous system. These subluxations, if prolonged, can cause nerve irritation and may further lead to the following childhood conditions starting from one month to years after a baby’s birth.

-Sleeping difficulties
-Recurrent middle ear infections
-Difficulties feeding
-Irritability, hyperactivity
As the infant learns to crawl and walk, spinal misalignments in the lower spine and pelvis can also occur. Innocent falls and bumps on the head, if left unnoticed, can lead to further complications. Unless the child has an obvious spinal problem, most parents, and even pediatricians, will not be able to recognize that the child has subluxations. Chiropractors are the only trained specialists that are able to detect these subtle signs.
In today’s technological society, more and more children are leading sedentary lives. Whether using the computer or playing video games, sustaining poor postures for long periods of time may lead to spinal misalignments in children and young adults. Moreover, sports-related injuries may cause spinal stress which either goes undetected, or may result in mild neck or back pain. In addition to treating obvious pain symptoms similarly felt in adults, correcting spinal subluxations in children may also help with the following conditions:
-Autism Disorders
With this in mind, “it is important to understand that the Doctor of Chiropractic does not treat conditions or diseases. The expertise of the chiropractor is in checking the child’s spine for misalignments that impair nervous system function therefore affecting overall body function. The bones of the spine, the vertebrae, house and protect the spinal cord. The spinal cord is an extension of the brain and carries information from the brain to the body parts and back to the brain again. Subluxations interfere with the nerves’ ability to transmit this vital information.
The nerve system controls and coordinates the function of all the systems in the body: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, eliminative and immune system. Any aspect of health may be impaired by nerve interference. The chiropractic adjustment restores nerve system function allowing the body the ability to express a greater state of health and well-being.2”
Further Thoughts:
Adjusting kids is completely safe! Adjusting an adult is not the same as adjusting a child or newborn. Very minimal force (as much as a fingertip of pressure) is needed to perform an adjustment on a young infant. While adjusting adults usually results in a crack or “pop”, this is not always the case with children. Regardless of age, the complications resulting in chiropractic manipulation is extremely rare.
Teach your children healthy habits now! Give your child a head start to a healthy life and a properly functioning spine. You would bring your child to a dentist for a check-up to prevent any cavities…why not get your child a spinal check-up to prevent any future spinal problems? Teach your child to learn how to take care of their body now instead of waiting for a problem to arise.
1. Merkle, D.C., Van D. “Ear Infections.”ICOA Children Wellness Articles. Issue 16, December 1, 2007.
2. Ohm, D.C., Jeanne. “Why Should Children Have Chiropractic Care?”ICPA Children Wellness Articles. Issue 5, March 1, 2005.
3. Parks, D.C., William. “Are Your Children Being Unnecessarily Medicated?” ?” ICPA Children Wellness. October, 7 2008.